We currently have an urgent need for food and water for hospital patients. The burns unit of Mulago Hospital, where the majority of acid attack survivors in Kampala are treated, is chronically under-funded and under-supplied. We at CERESAV do our best to gather food and donated medical supplies and bring these to survivors being treated at the hospital. But it’s gotten even worse lately.
When I went to the hospital last week, I found patients who hadn’t eaten all day and hadn’t had a single drop of clean water.
This would be difficult for anyone but it’s an even bigger issue for patients in critical condition, who need a lot of protein, carbohydrates, and fluids for their burn tissue to heal. CERESAV will continue to do its best to bring food and clean water to the survivors. But we truly cannot do this without support.
If you are in Kampala, please consider donating a day’s worth of food and water (enough for the four acid attack survivors currently at Mulago). Contact us here to coordinate donations. You can also make a monetary donation directly to our Ugandan bank account:
Account Name: Center for Rehabilitation of Survivors of Acid and burns Violence,
Bank Name: Housing Finance Bank Ltd,
Branch Name: Ndeeba,
Account Number: 1500043086.
If you are outside of Kampala but want to help, please make a monetary donation via our donate page.
Please do not underestimate the power of your donation. Even the smallest of donations will help save a life!