A 3D illustration of the Planned Rehabilitation Center
Centre for Rehabilitation of Survivors of Acid and Burns Violence (CERESAV) is an indigenous NGO that was established in 2012 to support acid violence victims in their rehabilitation and re-integration process. This is done through supporting them to access medical treatment, community re-integration support, legal aid, psychosocial support, skills re-orientation and economic empowerment. CERESAV also carries out lobbying and advocacy to prevent further acid violence. CERESAV is the only organization in Uganda that exists to directly support victims of acid violence.
Ceresav is in legal possession of residential land, located at Wakiso – Namuseera -2km off Hoima Rd, wish to construct the first rehabilitation center for Acid survivors and burns in Uganda, but we are unable to do so due to the inability to quality for a mortgage, as a result of limited financial means.
The center will be set up in Uganda and will be the first of its kind. All acid attack survivors are welcome. The dream of creating a rehabilitation center will provide a safe place and efficient support system for acid attack survivors.it is aimed at being a life coping center and a starting phase to re-introduce themselves to the world.
Intended Objectives:
- With that note, our aim of constructing a rehabilitation center is to support Acid survivors and any other forms of gender based violence to provide the emergency medical and legal assistance required and some those from a distance to report back on treatment review.
- To support the survivors of acid attacks and other forms of gender based violence (including burns and rape through need – based training and assistance for stable employment.
- To identify cases of acid attacks and any other forms of Gender based violence, to provide the emergency medical and legal assistance.
- To actively work with government and non-governmental organization, the media and other social institutions to campaign against acid attacks and other forms of gender –based violence to help bring a ‘’ new normal’’ in the society .
- We have observed that the majority of Acid survivors in rural areas, have no access to any kind of rehabilitation services, no close attention and supervision to their health needs, they are regarded as a burden to their families and often suffer from discrimination.
Various educational and creative classes will be set up. Tailored specifically to the individual’s needs, African craft classes, Music and beauty classes, Tailoring and hair dressing classes, manufacturing detergent classes. All these lessons will be a step forward for the survivors to open up, gain confidence explore their own talents and obtain necessary skills for further employment opportunities. This center will be a contact point for different stake holders such as acid survivors, legal expert, psychological counselor and volunteer. This collaboration will allow a safe environment for the acid attack survivors to rebuild themselves and get the necessary attention they need. It will also act as a meeting point for survivor who prefer approach us face –face in their attempts to seek support or a listening ear from one of our team members. This is crucial for the psychological well-being of the survivors.
We suggested a rehabilitation center to increase service access and quality as mentioned below.:
- Psycho-social support counseling
- Treatment review
- Moral support and economic empowerment
- Gaining confident in their physical appearance, and hope for the future
5 Have an opportunity to live dignified life,Sharing meeting and learning experience from each other,
- And also to benefit survivors from rural areas and other distant places on their hospital treatment. Review
Below is the construction plan of the proposed Rehabilitation center building
- Medical Block
- Accommodation Block
- Poultry Block
- Counselling Room
- Resting Room
- Resource Centre
- Vocational Training
- Conference Hall
- Recreational Hall