Psycho-social support, Advocacy and Outreach/Hospital visits
CERESAV, focuses on both mental and physical well-being, of survivors which gives them confidence and hope for the future. Our activities’ focus is getting information of acid attack victims, assessing their challenges and giving them hope for the future in their process of recovery through medical and nutritional support, facilitating reconstructive surgeries and referrals to other services, as well as Economic empowerment.
Source of funds:
CERESAV depends on generous donation from individuals who care about the lives of clients we serve. We were able to raise $12,041.23 and spent $9,250.11 on ongoing activities which included routine hospital follow up visits, home visits, medication and medical supplies support, and Nutrition.
Achievements and challenges faced dealing with Acid attack cases in 2019
We appreciate all your efforts and prayers as we continue this mission to address acid attack violence and its consequences in Uganda. As we start a new year, we wish to share our 2019 review. Out of the 11 cases of Acid attack patients awe served in 2018, we reported last year that we lost 2.
While acid attack cases have declined since we spearheaded a rigorous campaign and pushed for the passing of the toxic chemicals prohibition and control law (THANKS TO YOUR OUTPOURING SUPPORT FOR OUR PETITION), there were a few cases reported in 2019. However, as we always say, the effects of such attacks are so overwhelming and devastating that, as our founder once said in a 2012 yahoo news interview “just one acid attack is way too many”, Hanifa Nakiryowa.
CERESAV did not take up new acid attack cases in 2019 because of the increasing medical demands from the existing cases we have been handling from 2016 and especially the 2017/18 cases. While we provide lifesaving care, our mission is to continue to support survivors we take on until they are fully reintegrated back into their communities. We continue to incur huge costs of rehabilitation as well as reconstructive surgeries and various medical interventions to address emerging after-effects.
With your generous support:
- We managed to support Kato’s revision of facial skin grafts and eye care following an auto accident on his way to work.
- We managed to take Maggie for routine eye care throughout 2019 to ensure that she does not completely loose her sight.
- We provided routine medication required to keep survivors in good health.
- We provided transportation to three different survivors to attend routine medical reviews.
- We kept our 24/7 toll free line active throughout the year which helps survivors to call at no charge to them to get different information, advise and moral support especially those who live far from the city and city.
- With support from one generous donor, we managed to take one of the survivors’ child back to school throughout 2019 after the parent was left with no means to continue the child’s education. We are committed to making sure that children of survivors we support with education stay in school.
While we have seen many lives being transformed, we would not have done all this without your generous support. You are helping us transform lives one survivor at a time; you are helping us rebuild hope one family at a time.
We appreciate the generous support we get from our donors from different parts of the world. We appreciate the recurring donors who help support emerging needs from our clients. We appreciate our friends who step up to raise funds for our daily operations and support to our clients. Every donation goes a long way in helping us transform lives. To our work, no donation is small.
Please click here to share your feedback or suggestions.
If you do not have any feedback or suggestions but would like to consider supporting our mission, you can make your tax deductible donation.
We wish you a fruitful 2020
The CERESAV Team and Board